

Gainesville video production

Let this page serve as Five Seven Film’s love letter to Gainesville, Florida. Gainesville is home to the University of Florida, where both John and Caitlin received degrees in telecommunications and video production. It’s where they fell in love with the culture outside of the university. Gainesville has so much to offer those who make their home here: we found our place among the artists and musicians that congregated in the music venues (High Dive, The Atlantic, The Wooly, and The Jam to name a few) and art/culture offerings (farmers markets, art walks, and The Fest come to mind).

After graduating from the University of Florida, Five Seven Film was born in Gainesville FL by two people who connected over their love of filmmaking. After filming countless student film projects together, John and Caitlin decided to turn their passion for filmmaking and storytelling into a video production company. We make things people want to watch.

Five Seven Film is your video production partner, based in Gainesville FL but servicing anywhere in the country! We specialize in creative, cinematic productions that tell the story of you or your brand in fresh new ways. We have the skills, experience, and formal education to capture your stories and elevate your brand.

Five Seven Film is here in Gainesville FL to serve all your video production needs! We specialize in:

Think outside the box for your next commercial video production. Capture the attention of a wider audience and leave a lasting impression by hiring commercial filmmakers that are creative, innovative, and entertaining.

Demonstrate your creative vision and increase your visibility by working with us on your next music video production project. We have the filmmaking experience and storytelling ability to elevate your creative projects.

A brand video is essential in conveying the overall vision and culture of your organization. You’re not just selling your product or service with a brand video – you’re selling the audience on you.

Highlight your product, engage your audience, and show how you can solve your audience’s problem like no one else with a product focus video. Drive consumer trust with high quality visuals and a cohesive message.

Make it easy to convey information and for people to understand your message with an explainer video that is creative and engaging.

You already have a ton of customers who you’ve helped and are happy with you, your product, or your service. Expand your customer base by producing a testimonial video to showcase that positive feedback.

Let's create something together.

Drop us a line, and we’ll get in touch.
We’ll see if we’re a match and how we can help each other.